EyeNED Reading Center is a joint initiative of Erasmus MC and Radboudumc. The ophthalmology department of the Erasmus MC has a long track record in grading retinal images, tracing back to the start of the Rotterdam study in 1995. In the early days, our group co-developed methodologies for AMD severity grading and has been building their grading skills since. Due to this legacy, we have a team of experienced graders and much experience is grading of many retinal conditions and image modalities. Our core expertise is grading of AMD, DR and myopic lesions. We have the required know-how for retinal image grading using diverse retinal grading methods such as WARMGS, AREDS classification, and MetaPM.
The graders are hosted at Erasmus MC, whereas the Ophthalmic Trial Center is located at Radboudumc.
Until recently, our group focused on epidemiologic studies. We have expanded our team and are now also capable of running clinical trials. We have implemented standard operating procedures and set up strategies to minimize inter grader variability. We can also build on the extensive experience of the Trial Center in Radboudumc.
As grading of retinal images is currently a very time-consuming task that requires many months if not years of training to master, we are implementing computer assisted grading. For this, we have developed algorithms in house and in collaboration with other (inter)national research groups. We are currently refining these algorithms to further enhance the performance.
For the development of robust algorithms, a high-quality ground truth is a must. We therefore have developed a large set of segmented images and currently expanding this set. We have developed a platform for efficient segmentation of multi-modal image sets and for the review of automated segmentation.